Health Writer

for consumer and specialist media, journals and online sites

Creating health and medical content that informs and inspires readers

That’s my aim every time I start working on a new article as a specialist health and medical journalist. My goal never changes either, whether I’m writing a general health topic for a glossy magazine, a topical medical issue for a professional journal or evergreen content for a consumer wellbeing site.

In essence, I can help write copy that your readers will learn something from and possibly also want to try out for themselves (depending on the topic, of course).

Julie Penfold health, wellbeing and medicine writer

A real joy to work with

“I can always count on Julie to produce well-written copy, on time, that needs very little editing – a real joy for an editor!”

Liz Parry, Editor, Your Healthy Living

Your healthy living magazine

What I do

Feature writing

I write health, wellbeing and medical features, news-pegged analysis focuses, human interest case study-led articles and medical condition and disease overviews for clinical audiences.

Online content and copywriting

Writing for an online audience is similar in many ways to writing for print titles. But having the knack for putting together eye-catching headlines, standfirsts and sub-headings together with knowing how to use SEO skilfully is also important – and I can help with this.

Additionally, I work with health organisations and charities providing bespoke content. I also offer conference reporting as part of my services. I’ve previously covered social care, mental health and physiotherapy conferences.
